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​M1U2 Growing pains Reading Home alone 学案_蒋建平工作室_双流名师工作室



​M1U2 Growing pains Reading Home alone 学案

文/张燕君  时间:2015-11-27  浏览数:775

M1U2 Growing pains

Reading  Home alone 学案

永安中学  梁志华

Teaching aims: By the end of the class, students :

1. will have a good understanding of a play by reading and acting

2. are able to relate to others’ feelings and learn to deal with the growing pains in a wiser way.

Step 1:lead in by watching a short video!

Task :Try to figure out the following questions while watching:

1).Who are the main characters in the video?

2).Why does the mom get angry?

3). Is Anna angry too? what is she angry for?

Step 2:Reading  Home Alone

Reading strategy on P23---How to read a play ?

A play {

If we read a play , we should pay attention :

l Most of a play is in the form of a _________

l We should read the dialogue_______

l Remember to pay attention to the _____________   such as (shouting angrily)

Activity 1 Read the play on P22 aloud and answer the questions.

1).Who are the main characters in the play?

2).Why do the parents get angry?

3).What happened to their dog, Spot?

Activity 2 Read the play again and answer the questions.

1). What are the boys doing when their parents a785be home?

2). How does the room look when the parents arrive home?

3). Why are the parents angrier with Daniel than with Eric?

4). What is the emergency that Eric wants to tell his parents about?

5). What does the father want to do with Daniel?

Activity 3 Read the play again and fill in the blanks.

Mom and Dad arrive back from v______ a day earlier than e_______. They can’t wait to s______ the boys. Suddenly a soccer ball flies t_______ the room. Eric runs in after it, f_______ by a big dog. The dog was tired and h______. Dad sees there is g______ all over the place. Daniel runs into room and wants to e______it. But they shout at him before he can d______himself

Daniel is very angry. He runs into his bedroom and s_______ the door angrily. Eric c______  Daniel and tells him not to hate their parents. They want to tell Dad and Mom the truth. Mom is very sorry. She thinks they should ask the boys what happened i________ of shouting at them. However, Dad insists on p________ them because they are so r______ to them.

Activity 4: Read the dialogue aloud (pay attention to the instructions in red in the brackets(括弧,括号里))

l Dad:(sounding very angry):Listen to me, young man---we left you in charge! We thought you could act like an adult, but look at the mess! I don’t know why the house is so dirty…

l Mum: Daniel,we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisions…

l Daniel:(shouting) Stop shouting at me. I’m still a teenager! Why is everything always my fault?


Activity 5: Role-play Act 1 in groups of four.

(student 1--- Mom ;student 2--- Dad;student 3--- Daniel ;student 4--- Eric ;)

Activity 6  Further understanding

Let’s focus on the story events and characters’ feelings.Characters       Events and  Feelings Mom and DadBack home from vocation------ ________

Finding garbage all over the room-----________    

EricSeeing Mom and Dad arrive home out of his

expectation  -------- __________  DanielBeing distrusted by his parents-------________ Daniel Having no chance to explain-------________  EricComforting  his brother

Wanting to tell the truth  MomBeing too hard on Daniel-------__________  Dad Hard to forgive Daniel’s rude behavior------______

Deciding to punish Daniel------__________Step 3: Thinking and giving opinions:

As we grow, we taste the happiness and pains of life. How to deal with our growing pains with parents ?

Step 4: Assignment:Writing a letter to your parents, mom or dad, or both

   (1)  Write down one special experience happened to your family .

(2)  Tell parents your feeling about it.

(3)  Show your love, respect and understanding for them.


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