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王丽PRT绘本展示课I want to move._林蓉工作室_双流名师工作室



王丽PRT绘本展示课I want to move.

文/邓婷  时间:2018-12-06  浏览数:1406

绘本故事I want to move.


    双流中学实验学校附属小学    王丽















 I want to












 Analysis of the Teaching Contents





 本课教学内容出自《攀登英文分级阅读》第三级I want to move.故事讲述了一只名为Tom的小兔子刚开始不喜欢自己的兔子窝,决定离家出走,在外面经历了种种惊险,最终在爸爸妈妈的关爱下再次选择回到自己的兔子窝。本课的语言学习围绕理解,猜测,体验故事并联想个人情感而展开。图片中的move ,eagle,grasshoppers,

 sweetie,以及地点词汇 burrow, web 都是学生首次接触,因此增加了故事的理解难度。 为了有效达成教学目标,并在教学过程中激发学生运用所学语言进行积极的交流和互动,培养学生的表达能力和思维能力,促进学生核心素养的发展,因此在教学中通过设置多样的教学活动和发散性的问题给孩子提供参与,分享,体验和思考的机会,让学生参与到故事的建构,感受的分享以及思维火花的碰撞中去,从而感悟家对于每个人而言永远都是最温暖的港湾。





 Analysis of the Students










 Teaching Goals






 1)能理解并认读:move, burrow, tree, spider,web, grass。

 2)能够运用语言支架: I want to _____.










          3)学生能抓住绘本中的趣味点并体验绘本阅读的乐趣。获得积极   4)学生能在共建故事过程中主动表达自己的想法,获得积极          积极的情感体验。





 Teaching Aids




 多媒体课件,图片 burrow, Tom, mum, dad,

 birds, eagle, spider, grass, grasshoppers,道具 tree,web,头饰Tom, mum, dad。



 Teaching Procedure  


 Before class:



 Hello ,boys and girls. How are you?


 Song:This is where I live?

 Step 1: Enjoy the story together.

 Lead in:






















 this?  What’s the name of this rabbit?

 Where does he live?

 Whom does he live with?  

 How is Tom?  

 Maybe he wants to move and play with the butterfly.















 Look, Tom feels bored.

 So he says"I want to_____.”


 Scene 1:  In

 the burrow.




 ,what does Tom say?

    Look, who is she?  What will mum say?    

  Role play:  T: I want to move.   Ss: But this is your home.



  And look at Tom,  what does he say?

                          Look, who is he? How

 is dad? Listen, what does dad say?

                          Maybe Tom will a785be

 back on Monday or Sunday.

                          If you were Tom,

 when would you a785be back?

                          Yes, you can a785be

 back anytime!



                          Then Tome leaves his

 family. How is Tom? What will Tom say?

                          Role play: S1/2:

 (Tom.)  ______________.

 Ss: (Mum and dad.) Take care of yourself, you can a785be

 back anytime.

 Then Tom leaves his family happily.

 Scene 2: In the tree.



                       Where is Tom?  What does Tom see?  How many birds?

 How are the birds?

 So I think it’s fun to live in the tree.

 Do you want to live in the tree? Why?  

 So, how about Tom?

 What does he say? (Listen)

 But is it really fun to live in the tree?  





 Look, who is a785bing? What will happen? How are the


 How about Tom? Does Tom want to live in the tree now?









 Tom says “It’s not _____ to live in the tree.”

 Then Tom goes away.        





 3: In the web.

                       Where is Tom?  What does Tom see? Where is the spider?

 So I think it’s cool to live in the tree.

 Do you want to live in the web? Why? ( Role play: Live

 in the web.)




 how about Tom?  What does he say?


 But is it really cool to live in the tree?



                       Does Tom want to live

 in the web now?  

                       (Listen) What does he

 say?  Role play: (Tom)Live in the web.

                       Then Tom goes away.




 this?(Moon) What color is the sky?

 So it’s getting dark.

 How is Tom? (Tom is tired and hungry.)




 3: In the grass.


 Where is Tom?

 What does Tom see?




                          Tom is lying in the grass. How is


                       What does Tom say?

                       Maybe he is making a

 good dream.





                       (Listen) What happen?

                       It’s thundering.




                        How is Tom?  


 Tom says “I miss my ____ very much.”




                       Dad , mum ,I want to






                       Look, Tom is looking at


                       Guess ,who are a785bing?

                       And what will mum and

 dad say?


 Scene 5:  In

 the burrow again.



                        Where are they

 now?  How is Tom?

                        What is Tom doing? Who

 cook the dinner for Tom?

                        So Tom says “It’s

 great to live in the______.”

                        What will Tom say to

 his mum and dad?

 Step 2: Compare.            




 at first, does Tom want to live in the burrow?

                        At last, does he want

 to live in the burrow?


 Step 3: Share ideas.

                      If you are Tom, will you





                      (Discuss in 2 teams and

 share your ideas.)







                       No matter where you are

 and how old you are,

                       your family will love

 you forever!



 附:Blackboard Design









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