task-based language teaching 讲座 (吕荟)
task-based language teaching in a nutshell
all modern language courses aim to develop learners’ ability to use the target
language in teal a785bmunication.
A task is an activity in which a person
engages in order to attain an objective, and which necessitates the use of
language. According to this definition, using language is a means to an end: by
understanding language input and by producing language output: by interacting
with other people in real life situations through the use of language, the goal
that learner has in mind can be (better) achieved.
Since we focusing on instructed second
language acquisition in this volume, this brings us to the question of how
educational activities for the second language classroom should be designed,
sequenced and organized in order to facilitate second language learning.
In sharp contrast, task-based syllabuses do
not chop up language into small pieces, but take holistic, functional and
a785bmunicative ‘tasks’, rather than any specific linguistic items, as the basic unit for the design of educational
A number of definitions in Table 2 emphasize
or suggest that there should be a close link between the tasks performed by
learners in the language classroom and in the outside world.
Tasks for absolute beginners and
beyond: developing and sequencing tasks at basic proficiency levels.
of the research on task-based language teaching (TBLT) focuses on highly
qualified students at intermediate stages of second language development
(Bygate et al.,2001; Ellis,2003)
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