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文/陈惠丽  时间:2018-01-19  浏览数:659

    1. 公开课


活动一 1013   双流中学吕荟   报刊阅读Learning as we travel   1013日,蒋建平工作室全体学员在蒋建平特级教师的带领下在双流中学进行本月第一次磨课、听课活动学习,听取吕荟老师的公开课Learning as we travel印象最深刻的是老师的PPT简单而清晰,有效利用了思维导图,再结合黑板上对每个段落关键词的板书,让学生对该文章结构有了很清晰的认识。活动设计简单而巧妙,结果证明效果不错,遵循了学生的理解规律。整个课堂有许多互动环节,增加了学生的积极性和参与性。老师通过生动有趣的导入,利用思维导图解读阅读文本,并且带着学生绘制思维导图,充分体现了新课标的理念,学生课堂积极热情,赢得了大家的一致好评。



 Learning as we travel  Teaching Plan  授课教师:吕荟

Teaching contentteens 4th edition    Learning as we travel

Teaching objects:

1.    Collect the vocabulary about travelling

2.    Learn the structure of the passage

3.    Have the desire to go travelling after learning the passage.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: review and lead in:

   As we know people travel for many reasons, for example…

   Why do more and more people travel?

Step 2:  Reading for information

Fast reading:

   Read the passage and find out what do we learn when we travel?

Careful reading:

   Read paragraph 1&2 and think about the following questions.

   1. Why does the writer mention World Tourism Day?

   2. What information about travel do you get in the first two paragraphs?

   3. What’s the writer’s opinion about world travel which has bea785be quite a familiar thing?

   4. Why does the writer say world travel retains its excitement?

Step 3: Reading for structure

   1. How does the writer begin the passage?

   2 Which paragraph expresses the writer’s   opinion?

   3. Which paragraph explain the author’s idea about travel?

   4. Draw a mind-map of the passage.

Step 4: Reading for the writing purpose

   Why does the author write the passage?

Step 5: Discussion

How do you understand travel? Discuss in group and write down your ideas and share them with your class.

Travel makes learning take place in the school of world.

Travel teaches toleration.

Road trips were like mobile universities to us

People who travel far know more.



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